Three Poems by Robyn Joy
Robyn Joy is a long-time WFR participant, and her work has appeared frequently on our blog. Here, she shares three recent poems. I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I did. Thanks, Robyn!
I’m listening – humbly.
I’m sharing what I learn and what I know as I go
in an attempt to be of service without getting it wrong.
There are so many abundant trees though
and I don’t know which apple to choose
How I am
What I am eating
What my cat is doing
How my family’s health is
all of this is perhaps less significant
but still continuing
while moms are screaming for the loss of their babies
to another act of violence
that I don’t even know how to talk about
And I am scared too
How much more can I absorb before I shut down?
How can I be a good student
and a good ally
and a good caretaker
all at once?
Maybe it is just a matter of adaptability.
June 3, 2020
It wasn't my first choice,
to be so weird and awkward.
In fact, I tried to exorcise out the weird
in a series of rites and passages -
candles lit
effigies burned.
But there I was
every. single. time.
Silencing lively conversations,
with an odd observation,
trying to like something that was normal
but not really getting it.
In adolescence, I guess this didn't hold true.
"Weird" was a badge to be earned.
But the ones I was mirroring
had more clout than I could ever hope for,
which arguably made me
the actual weirdo in this equation,
and the so called "weirdos" the normies,
depending on your perspective.
It's boring isn't it?
Placating to an idea
rather than having our own.
Even as a real live adult,
I still fall into that dull hole sometimes.
So mundane I might just
lay around in it for days
before I realize where I am.
But the candles from the rituals still burn
and if I squint,
I can still see the effigy's flicker.
June 10, 2020
What if I’m wrong
and what I just said makes the world explode?
Or what if it implodes instead?
Which hurts more?
What if I make the wrong choice,
and then you stop loving me?
Or you keep on loving me,
because that’s the right thing to do,
but you secretly dislike me from now on?
What if I find out in five years
that the very reasonable seeming decision I just made
put my life on a trajectory far away
from what I wanted,
and I can never get back
to being comfortable and stable?
What if I am wrong about what comfort and stability are,
and I have been wrong this whole time?
And what if finally making the RIGHT choice
would bring me to that place
where everything releases
and I say with a big sigh
“Oh! I get it now!”
but because I have been
making a string of wrong decisions,
I will never really know what that is like?
Or what if..
What if I DID know what it felt like
but I wasn’t paying attention
and I missed it
and now I don’t even have a chance?
Or what if it isn’t even up to me,
and my choices are a lark,
and it’s all going to unfold how it wants to anyway?
What if I let go of whether or not I am wrong,
and let others be right?
June 10, 2020