"Some People Don't Believe It, But..." by Denise Walton



It has been a little over 5 years now..
That I claimed my freedom...
from opiates..
Has it been easy...
Not at all..
I am in Chronic pain..
But this is and will be a fact of my life..How I choose to live with it is also my choice...
And this belief of others...
I'm not sure..
If that really matters..If we do it for others..that's not real...
But it is also part of the process...
In having others believe in us...it strengthens the beliefs in ourselves...

I would never have believed..
I could have the life I have now..
But perhaps others did...
Especially at a time...
When I couldn't love or believe in ourselves..

I believed I could recover and I held fast to those beliefs...

With a lot of hard work and everyday...

And I still get judgement calls..once in a while...

But Believe it ..or not..

I know the truth...and that's all that matters...
I am an addict...
No longer in active addiction...
I am thankful to have traveled those roads...
And so humble...
I am not on them anymore❣

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