"I Can't Do Everything" by Nellie
I have been making myself my ideal woman. I am a baddie around him, thinking of all the ways I could get extradited for indecency. This is the best way to deal with a sleight: to get tongue in cheek attention.
I am going to miss the children most of all. Not everyone gets a two YETI cooler relationship and plays a kid version of softball with makeshift everything while picnicking, no fast food, at a rest area in PA, we had that, and when they have forgotten, I will still have that. We had the road roar, and my private thoughts. There were ever so many of them because sometimes the conversation, to be having it all, seemed weird.
I can do anything, Just had a meeting with a supervisor about professional goals, thinking how I can do everything, and I included them as a 9 month gestation. This is how my ADHD serves me, I can do more than most. This time around, I wrote a ticket to Stab City, known as Limerick. I will leave in 30 days. I dare to dream.
I am well-adored. A coworker wrote me an appreciation email. I sobbed frenetically. Peter sent me a blessing. David sent me a diagram of in flagrante delicto. It may spur ideas of how simultaneously I am an impish mastermind, and known with “ducklings”, queues of children that follow me, and for my sweetnesses. Could a sober school teacher on a professional development trip get arrested? There’s that me again. Too irreverent to stay down.
My friends worship me. Not that anyone has to. I am not wearing a break up like a fur coat. My recovery time- there you go again. I can’t do everything, like make you like me. What a sweet act to let me go! It was not worth the exchange value of the really great coffee we drink, or the meals we plan, or the performative in person team we are, or as someone called us this van festival weekend, “power couple”. I can’t do everything, but I have way more to do.